Redelijkheid & Billijkheid
wild behaviour shows you are a real human being though a lot of humanbeings will appose to this sentence

When you observe people who are not capable to adjust to "descent" behaviour, every institution thinks this cannot be tolerated in our behaviouristic environment, without even ask themself what a possible explanation could be.

An example is the institution school. The majority of youngster can cope with this kind of industry, so that's very nice and well obtained.

There's also a little group who had severe trauma in the passed which can be everything that you can imagine.

What I have experienced as a social worker on different schools is that it often seems that school as an institution, find it hard to cope with these students, because when they are around, trouble can be expected. 

Teachers do their best in everyway, sometimes to consult me as a social worker and sometimes a superior asks if I could talk to this student, with or without parents. 

More often it looks like the teacher finds it hard to approach social work, not realizing that we get payed bij school exactly for doing interview and try to sort out what the situation is.

When parents and child have a lot of problems at home, it is pretty logical that their misbehaviour will also be seen and experienced at school. 

When something like that occurs, it is often possible to change behaviour in a few session. Formation you can think about, but in my opinion is first a chat with the student alone, so the next conversation with both parents will be much easier for the boy or girl.

Parents find it often also hard to have a conversation at school, with a social worker, whom they have never seen. Therefore I choose after permission of the student, to call his/her mother or father, to say that it's going to be just a meeting to get to know each other and to ask some questions about his/her behaviour at home.

These kind of meetings have to very open and the goal is to get a firm idea of the whole situation.

I ask them if they are ok when I discuss this meeting with the teacher, so he/she knows what the meeting was about. I say very clear that I am not in a position to talk about everything we just talked about, because I can do that with their permission.

So far, so good.

The hardest part is always to talk with the teacher of superior, because often they want to be the leader of every dessision that you think is the best at that moment. 

When our relationship is good, they will often understand which next move is logical. 

But when you are dealing with a very unpleasant person, who has completely different ideas, like students are here to learn how to count en to read, then this is a very inconvenient situation. When school doesn't know what kind of job this school social worker does, than it can be a dead end.

It's simple: When I am very worried about a young kid and his home environment, it should be very normal that the principal thinks this is a very difficult situation